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Privacy and Cookie Policy

  1. Privacy Policy

    Xtreme Lashes takes our responsibility to protect the privacy and confidentiality of your information, including personal information, very seriously. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with applicable legal standards to secure such information from unauthorized access and use, alteration and destruction. We hold our employees accountable for complying with relevant policies, procedures, rules and regulations concerning the privacy and confidentiality of information.
    1. We may disclose information we have about you as required or permitted by law. For example, we may share information with regulatory authorities and law enforcement officials when we believe in good faith that such disclosure is necessary to comply with legal requirements. We may share information with third parties where appropriate to protect against fraud or verify or enforce our terms of use, our other rights, or other applicable policies.
    2. From time to time, we may execute agreements with other companies to provide services to us, or to make services and products available to you. Under these agreements, these companies may receive your personal information, but they must safeguard this information, and they may only use it for those purposes we specify.
    3. We may use the information we collect from you to help us deliver our online services; to administer, evaluate and improve our business (including developing new products and services, improving existing products and services, performing data analytics, and performing accounting, auditing and other internal functions); manage our risks; market our services and products; and to comply with and enforce applicable laws and regulations, relevant industry standards, contractual obligations and our policies. We may also use data that we collect on an aggregate or anonymous basis (such that it does not identify any individual clients) for various business purposes, where permissible under applicable laws and regulations.

    Authorized Purchasers and Account Security

    You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account by updating and correcting information as it changes, including notifying Xtreme Lashes of any new/terminated Lash Stylists or employees and/or any new/terminated users with purchasing access. You must safeguard your password and security pin and supervise the use of your account. You are solely responsible for maintaining the security of your account and maintaining settings that reflect your preferences. We will assume that anyone using the Site or transacting with your account password/pin is you. You agree that you are solely responsible for any activity that occurs under your account. As part of your account settings, you have the option to save shipping addresses to your account. You will also have the option to save credit cards and bank accounts as “Payment Methods” on your account. You understand that all “Purchasers” you grant purchasing access to will have access to place orders on your Xtreme Lashes account using only your saved payment methods and shipping addresses. You will be responsible for all orders placed on your account by any authorized purchaser. If you would like to add or remove an authorized purchaser on your account, you understand that you must contact Xtreme Lashes to grant and revoke purchasing privileges.
  2. Cookie Policy

    By using this site, you agree to the placement of cookies on your computer in accordance with the terms of this policy. If you do not wish to accept cookies from this site, please either disable cookies or refrain from using this site.

    There are two main types of cookies:

    Types of Cookies
    1. Session cookies: these are temporary cookies that expire at the end of a browser session; that is, when you leave the site. Session cookies allow the website to recognize you as you navigate between pages during a single browser session and allow you to use the website most efficiently. For example, session cookies enable a website to remember that a user has placed items in an online shopping basket.
    2. Persistent cookies: in contrast to session cookies, persistent cookies are stored on your equipment between browsing sessions until expiry or deletion. They therefore enable the website to "recognize" you on your return, remember your preferences, and tailor services to you.

    Our Use of Cookies

    We currently use, and may use in the future, the following types of cookies on this website:

    We use session cookies to:
    1. help us maintain security and verify your details while you use the website as you navigate from page to page, which enables you to avoid having to re-enter your details each time you enter a new page.

    We use persistent cookies to:
    1. help us recognize you as a unique user when you return to our website so that you do not have to input your details multiple times as you move between our pages or services
    2. remember how you have customized your use of this site, such as your preferred currency and time zone
    3. collect and compile anonymous, aggregated information for statistical and evaluation purposes to help us understand how users use the website and help us improve the structure of our website.
    4. to keep track of items you put into your shopping cart, including when you have abandoned your checkout. This information is used to determine when to send cart reminder messages via SMS.

    In addition to session cookies and persistent cookies, we may use other types of cookies (or other similar types of technologies) which are set by our website to provide us or third parties with information.

    Many cookies are designed to give you optimal usage of the web. For example, we use cookies to enable you to improve your user experience when using our website; e.g. a cookie which recognizes if your browser supports specific technology features. This helps, for example, in enabling web pages to be loaded more quickly when you request the download of a large file. In addition to cookies which send information to us, we also use cookies which collect information and send it to third parties. An example of this is Google Analytics. We use Google Analytics to help collect and compile information like the number of visitors to the site, where visitors have come to the site from and the pages they visited. Visit Google’s site for  an overview of privacy at Google and information on how to opt out of the Google Analytics cookie.

    Disabling Cookies

    Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. However, you can disable cookies if you wish, generally through changing your internet software browsing settings. It may also be possible to configure your browser settings to enable acceptance of specific cookies or to notify you each time a new cookie is about to be stored on your computer enabling you to decide whether to accept or reject the cookie. To manage your use of cookies, visit the “Help” section on your browser. As our cookies allow you to access some of our website’s features, we recommend that you leave cookies enabled. Otherwise, if cookies are disabled, it may mean that you experience reduced functionality or will be prevented from using this site altogether.

Updated 11/18/2015.